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Resident gas safety hazards and preventive measures


1. Issues related to user actions or violations


Misoperation or violation of regulations can bring serious safety hazards and often evolve into accidents, with profound lessons learned. On April 12, 2009, the owner of a shop in Shuiyunjian, Wealth Building, Heping Road, our city, failed to turn off the stove properly the first day after using it, resulting in a gas leak. The next day when I opened the door, I smelled the smell of gas. The male shop owner went to close the valve, while the female shop owner, due to her lack of knowledge about gas safety, turned on the electric light and caused an explosion, resulting in serious burns for both of them. Therefore, for gas valves that are not used for a long time, temporary sealing should be applied to the gas company to reduce misoperation during operation; Residents who have not been at home for a long time should entrust their relatives, friends, or property management company to contact the gas company, so that technical personnel can enter the house for security checks in a timely manner, and close the indoor valves to eliminate hidden dangers.


2. The problem of the valve not closing or not closing properly after using gas


On the evening of July 7, 1999, a resident of Wenfu Building in Zhejiang mistakenly believed that the stove had been turned off when the switch was turned off to the minimum firepower position after using it; And the valve behind the meter was not closed, resulting in air leakage and accumulation at the bottom of the cabinet, forming mixed gas within the explosive limit. When encountering sparks from burning waste paper, it caused an explosion accident. For example, on September 21, 2004, when a resident of Quanlai Building moved in the morning, the valve was not closed in a hurry, resulting in a large amount of gas leakage. Firefighters, property management companies, and our company personnel took emergency action together, went to the roof to close the main valve of the riser, and climbed into the nearby Tujia balcony to deal with the resident, in order to avoid an accident. Therefore, after cooking or boiling water, especially before bedtime or when there is no one at home, the valve should be promptly closed and fully closed.


3. Excessive length or aging of rubber hoses


According to statistics, 90% of accidents among residential users are caused by excessively long and aged rubber hoses, combined with improper use. Small rubber hoses can lead to major accidents. Gas accidents occur frequently across the country due to aging or detachment of gas hoses. Multiple gas accidents have occurred in multiple places in our province, such as in June 2006, a gas leak occurred at Sun's home in Jian'an Community, Zhengzhou City, due to the aging of a trapped rubber hose. Sun's face was burned, and his window glass was shattered by the explosion. On March 29, 2006, a resident of Nanguan Street in Zhengzhou City caused a fire while cooking with gas due to a gas pipe leak, resulting in the destruction of the kitchen. According to regulations, natural gas hoses must be replaced after 18 months of use. To prevent gas leakage caused by aging of the rubber hose, it is recommended that you regularly inspect the hose for aging and replace it if necessary. The hose should not exceed two meters. When using, the rubber hose should not be too close to the stove to avoid deformation due to heat. To fix the rubber hose connection with a pipe clamp, be sure to close the valve in front of the stove when not in use.


4. Problems with unauthorized installation, modification, or self ignition by users



On January 14, 2008, a gas user from 1-1-1 in the southwest corner of China in our city privately converted the kitchen into a bedroom, and buried aluminum-plastic pipes through the kitchen behind the meter


A self built kitchen from the bedroom to the back of the room. One evening, a gas leak occurred in the gas riser joint, causing gas poisoning in the couple surnamed Cui who were sleeping in the kitchen

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An accident involving hospital rescue and treatment. Therefore, any individual or non professional construction unit should be prohibited from using pipeline gas on their own. Regardless of installation, modification, or point 8


The use of fire must be carried out by professionals from gas companies, and users must not seek temporary convenience or affordability to cause accidents.


5. Mixing or connecting steel cylinder gas and pipeline gas for use


In August 2000, a resident in Xialupu, Wenzhou City, mixed steel cylinders and pipeline gas in series, using which one was cheaper and which one was cheaper. As a result, the nanny opened the door during operation


Wrong valve caused a large amount of leakage of liquefied petroleum gas. Fortunately, it was handled properly and did not lead to a major accident. Therefore, users should use a single gas source, either pipeline gas or steel cylinders. Users of high-rise buildings must comply with fire safety regulations, use pipeline gas, prohibit the use of steel cylinders, and prohibit the use of cylinder sets


6. Problems caused by poor ventilation conditions


On April 4, 2009, a young woman in the family courtyard of Chaoyang Road Mine in our city used a smokeless gas water heater to take a shower, but did not open windows for ventilation, resulting in incomplete combustion and suffocation death. Due to the large amount of air consumed during gas combustion, it is necessary to maintain good ventilation conditions to prevent incomplete combustion at the site, especially in cold winter when a family takes turns taking showers. It is even more important to open windows for ventilation.


7. The problem of gas facilities being occupied and damaged within the community

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On May 3, 2004, the low-voltage coil on the roof of a certain building was broken, and the vertical pipes and some coils in buildings B and C were crushed by the user's illegal building. It turns out that the user built an illegal building and managed the tray on the daughter's wall inside the wall. During the renovation, the impact drill broke the tray. For example, in the early morning of February 1, 2005, at a construction site on Station Avenue in the urban area, the gas pipe broke due to improper operation of the excavator, and the gas caught fire for over an hour before being extinguished. Therefore, it is necessary to effectively protect municipal gas facilities and public gas pipelines. Once any abnormal situation is found, contact the gas company in a timely manner.

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