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泉源:/ 宣布时间:日期:2023-06-06 0
在燃气PE管道运行交接中 ,对示踪线的切合性检查有5项:①信号接人点有否 ,并装置准确。
During the handover of gas PE pipeline operation, there are 5 compliance checks for the tracer line: ① Whether the signal connection point is present and installed correctly.
②检测信号能加载到示踪线上 ,中心故障太多 ,走漏严重 ,中心没有检测井。③装置了示踪线 ,始端最后剪断悬空 ,与大地不接触 ,中心阀井内示踪线未作牢靠处理。④示踪线线径太小 ,不可知足检测信号传输要求 ,容易被施工挖断或自然应力破损。
② The detection signal can be loaded onto the tracer line, but there are too many faults and severe leaks in the middle, and there is no detection well in the middle The tracer line was installed, with the beginning and end cut and suspended in the air, without contact with the ground. The tracer line in the middle valve well was not fixed. ④ The diameter of the tracer line is too small to meet the transmission requirements of the detection signal, and it is easy to be cut off by construction or damaged by natural stress.
⑤PE管道地表标记凭装置影象印象埋设 ,密度缺乏 ,偏离较大。
⑤ The surface markings of PE pipelines are buried based on installation memory impressions, with insufficient density and significant deviation.
探测信号不可包管一连流通 ,主要缘故原由有5个:①示踪线中的导线没有毗连 ,造成断路。②示踪线没做绝缘和防水处理 ,造成信号短路。③金属导线导电面积不敷 ,造成信号传输电阻大 ,信号衰减大。④示踪线自己缺乏格 ,导线爆发断裂不一连。⑤示踪线首端最后都未作毗连牢靠与接地处理 ,被剪断或者掩埋 ,找不到头子。
There are five main reasons why the detection signal cannot be continuously unblocked: ① The wires in the tracer line are not connected, causing an open circuit. ② The tracer line was not insulated and waterproof, causing a short circuit in the signal Insufficient conductive area of metal wires leads to high signal transmission resistance and high signal attenuation The tracer line itself is not qualified, and the wire is broken and discontinuous. ⑤ The first and last ends of the tracer line were not connected, fixed or grounded, cut or buried, and the head could not be found.
无露出的探测信号源。PE管道示踪线没有信号的接点设计或没有凭证接点设计装置 ,许多单位在示踪线装置中将示踪线讨论直接埋人地表下或将示踪线讨论直接缠于管道或装备上 ,在很短的时间内 ,示踪线讨论就将无从找寻 ,从而造成整条示踪线失去作用。
No exposed detection signal source. The PE pipeline tracer line does not have a signal contact design or is not installed according to the contact design. Many units bury the tracer line joint directly below the ground or wrap the tracer line joint directly on the pipeline or equipment during the installation of the tracer line. In a short period of time, the tracer line joint will be lost, resulting in the entire tracer line losing its function.
面积太小 ,强度不敷。金属导线截面积选择不准确 ,选择示踪线前要确定使用什么探测仪 ,差别的探测仪有差别的探测原理和要领 ,需要选用具有针对性的示踪线。金属导线截面积的选择需要凭证探测仪信号爆发器的信号强度 ,设计管道所需探测距离来选择金属导线类型和导线的截面积。一样平常情形下2.5mm2的铜芯线一次性可探测距离可以抵达500~1000m。直接法会更远 ,施工中也很少泛起拉断的征象。
The area is too small and the strength is not enough. The selection of the cross-sectional area of the metal wire is incorrect. Before selecting the tracer line, it is necessary to first determine which detector to use. Different detectors have different detection principles and methods, and targeted tracer lines need to be selected. The selection of the cross-sectional area of metal wires requires selecting the type of metal wire and the cross-sectional area of the wire based on the signal strength of the detector signal generator and the required detection distance of the pipeline. In general, a 2.5mm2 copper core wire can have a detectable distance of 500-1000m at once. The direct method will go further, and there is rarely a phenomenon of pulling and breaking during construction.
以警示带取代示踪线。以警示带取代示踪线 ,又未按标准要求敷设。
Replace the tracer line with a warning tape. Replacing tracer lines with warning tapes and not laying them according to standard requirements.

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