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管道示踪线是什么看法 ?

泉源:/ 宣布时间:日期:2022-09-28 0
In fact, we can understand the concept of pipeline tracing line in this way. It is a kind of signal cable that assists in the maintenance and positioning of buried non-metallic pipelines in the future. Next, the editor will explain more relevant matters for you.
Tracer lines are specially designed for locating and locating underground non-metallic pipelines. It effectively solves the problem that non-metallic pipelines cannot be detected by metal pipeline finder, and can be widely used for locating and locating underground non-metallic pipelines such as water supply pipelines and drainage pipelines.
这什么这几年及地方大力提倡使用示踪线产品呢 ?是由于近几年地下管网建设的力度一直加大,造成地下管网错综重大,经常有损坏情形爆发,以是管线的业主单位对自己的管线熟悉提到了一高度。
Why has the country and local governments vigorously advocated the use of trace line products in recent years? In recent years, the construction of the national underground pipe network has been intensified, which has resulted in the complexity of the underground pipe network and frequent damage. Therefore, the owner of the pipeline has raised a high level of awareness of its own pipeline safety.
After the pipeline is laid, the pipeline detector shall be used to test the detectability of the laid tracers to ensure that the metal wires have been properly connected. The test results shall be recorded.
In addition, the microwave physical ground penetrating radar can not detect the plastic pipe. For obstacles caused by future maintenance and other construction, metal wires are attached to the plastic pipe to provide response signs.
Connect the metal wire of the tracer wire with the transmitter input end of the pipe locator, and the transmitter grounding end should be as far away from the transmitter as possible. Use the grounding pile or pole grounding to reduce the grounding resistance. Use the receiver to detect and receive the transmitted signal.
This is all about the concept of pipeline trace line. You can come to our website freely if you have any opinion about it Message communication!

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