



泉源:/ 宣布时间:日期:2022-09-24 0
地埋警示桩属于警示桩的一种,用途可以分为:百米桩,电力警示桩,电缆警示桩,转角桩,加密桩,通讯警示桩,油气管道警示桩等 。下面小编来讲讲地埋警示桩的生产流程吧 。
Buried warning pile is a kind of warning pile, which can be divided into: 100 meter pile, power warning pile, cable warning pile, corner pile, encryption pile, communication warning pile, oil and gas pipeline warning pile, etc. Let's talk about the production process of buried warning piles.
(1)地埋警示桩质料混淆:是将树脂稳固剂、抗氧化剂等其它辅料,按比例、工艺先后加入高速混淆机内,经物料与机械自摩擦使物料升温设定工艺温度,然后经冷混机将物料降50-60度;这样就可以加入到挤出机的料斗 。
(1) Mixing of raw materials for buried warning posts: the resin stabilizer, antioxidant and other auxiliary materials are successively added into the high-speed mixer according to the proportion and process, the materials are heated to the set process temperature through self friction between materials and machinery, and then the materials are reduced to 50-60 degrees through the cold mixer; This allows it to be added to the extruder hopper.
(2)地埋警示桩挤出机部分:本机装有定量加料装置,使挤出量与加料量能够匹配,确保制品稳固挤出 。
(2) Extruder part of buried warning pile: the machine is equipped with a quantitative feeding device to match the extrusion amount and feeding amount to ensure stable extrusion of products.
地埋警示桩由于锥形螺杆的特点,加料段具有较大的直径,对物料的传热面积和剪切速率较量大,有利于物料的塑化,计量段螺杆直径小,镌汰了传热面积和对熔体的剪切速率,使熔体能在较低的温度下挤出 。
Due to the characteristics of the conical screw, the buried warning post has a large diameter in the feeding section, which is conducive to the plasticization of materials due to its large heat transfer area and shear speed for materials. The diameter of the screw in the metering section is small, which reduces the heat transfer area and shear speed for the melt, so that the melt can be extruded at a lower temperature.
螺杆在机筒内旋转时,将玻璃钢混淆料塑化后推向机头,从而抵达压实、熔融、混炼均化;地埋警示桩并实现排气、脱水之目的 。加料装置及螺杆驱动装置接纳变频调速,可实现同程序速 。
When the screw rotates in the barrel, the glass fiber reinforced plastic mixture is plasticized and pushed to the head, so as to achieve compaction, melting, mixing and homogenization; The warning pile shall be buried to realize the purpose of exhaust and dehydration. Feeding device and screw drive device adopt frequency conversion speed regulation, which can realize synchronous speed regulation.
(3)地埋警示桩挤出模头部分:经压实、熔融、混炼均化的树脂,有后续物料经螺杆推向模头,挤出模头是管材成型的关建部件 。
(3) Extrusion die part of buried warning pile: the resin after compaction, melting, mixing and homogenization, and the subsequent materials are pushed to the die head through the screw. The extrusion die head is a key component for pipe molding.
(4)真空定型水箱用于管材的定型、冷却,真空定型水箱上装有供定型和冷却的真空系统和水循环系统,不锈钢箱体,循环水喷淋冷却,真空定型水箱上装有前后移动装置和左右、崎岖调理手动装置 。
(4) The vacuum shaping water tank is used for shaping and cooling of pipes. The vacuum shaping water tank is equipped with a vacuum system and a water circulation system for shaping and cooling, a stainless steel box, and a circulating water spray cooling. The vacuum shaping water tank is equipped with a forward and backward moving device and a manual device for left and right, high and low adjustment.
(5)牵引机用于一连、自动地将已冷却变硬的管材从机头处引出来,变频调速 。
(5) The tractor is used to continuously and automatically lead the cooled and hardened pipes out of the machine head, with frequency conversion for speed regulation.
(6)地埋警示桩切割机:由行程开关凭证要求长度控制后,举行自动切割 。
(6) Buried warning pile cutting machine: automatically cut after controlled by the travel switch according to the required length.
(7)地埋警示桩翻料架翻料行动由气缸通过气路控制来实现,翻料架设有一个限位装置,当切割锯切断管材后,管材继续运送,经延时后,气缸进入事情,实现翻料行动,抵达卸料目的 。
(7) The turnover action of the underground warning pile turnover rack is controlled by the air cylinder through the air circuit. A limit device is erected for the turnover. When the cutting saw cuts off the pipe, the pipe continues to be transported. After the delay, the cylinder enters the work to realize the turnover action and achieve the purpose of unloading.
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