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泉源:/ 宣布时间:日期:2023-04-06 0
地埋标记桩是一种用于标记地下管道、电缆、通讯线路等设施位置的装备。它通常由一根长约1.5米的钢管制成 ,一端带有锥形尖头 ,另一端则牢靠着一块标识牌。地埋标记桩的主要作用是为了利便维修职员在地下设施泛起故障时快速定位 ,从而提高维修效率和性。
Buried marker posts are equipment used to mark the location of underground pipelines, cables, communication lines, and other facilities. It is usually made of a steel pipe approximately 1.5 meters long, with a conical tip at one end and a signboard fixed at the other end. The main function of buried marker piles is to facilitate maintenance personnel to quickly locate faults in underground facilities, thereby improving maintenance efficiency and safety.
地埋标记桩的装置需要经由一系列的办法。 ,需要确定地下设施的位置和深度 ,然后在地面上标出标记桩的位置。接着 ,使用钻孔机或手动挖掘工具挖掘一个深度为1.5米的孔洞 ,将标记桩插入孔洞中 ,确保锥形尖头深入地下 ,标识牌露出地面。 ,用水泥或混凝土填充孔洞 ,使标记桩牢靠在地下。
The installation of buried marker piles requires a series of steps. Firstly, it is necessary to determine the location and depth of underground facilities, and then mark the position of marker stakes on the ground. Next, use a drilling machine or manual excavation tool to excavate a hole with a depth of 1.5 meters, insert the marker pile into the hole, ensure that the conical tip goes deep into the ground, and the signboard is exposed to the ground. Finally, fill the holes with cement or concrete to secure the marker pile underground.
地埋标记桩的优点在于它可以恒久稳固地保存于地下 ,不会被风吹雨淋、日晒雨淋等自然因素所破损。同时 ,标记桩的标识牌可以凭证需要举行替换 ,以顺应差别的维修需求。别的 ,地埋标记桩的装置也可以阻止由于地下设施位置不明确而导致的误挖误损等情形的爆发 ,从而镌汰了维修本钱和危害。
The advantage of buried marker piles is that they can exist stably underground for a long time and will not be damaged by natural factors such as wind, rain, sun, and rain. At the same time, the signboard of the marker post can be replaced as needed to adapt to different maintenance needs. In addition, the installation of buried marker piles can also avoid the occurrence of accidental excavation and damage caused by unclear location of underground facilities, thereby reducing maintenance costs and safety risks.
然而 ,地埋标记桩的装置也保存一些问题。由于标记桩需要埋入地下 ,因此装置难度较大 ,需要工具和手艺。标记桩的装置位置需要准确无误 ,不然会影响维修职员的事情效率。标记桩的标识牌需要按期替换 ,不然会由于恒久袒露在自然情形中而导致褪色、损坏等问题。
However, there are also some issues with the installation of buried marker piles. Due to the need for marker piles to be buried underground, installation is difficult and requires professional tools and techniques. The installation position of the marker post needs to be accurate, otherwise it will affect the work efficiency of maintenance personnel. The signboard of the marker post needs to be replaced regularly, otherwise it may fade or be damaged due to long-term exposure to the natural environment.
总的来说 ,地埋标记桩是一种很是适用的地下设施标记工具 ,它可以提高维修效率和性 ,镌汰维修本钱和危害。然而 ,它的装置需要的工具和手艺 ,标识牌也需要按期替换 ,因此在使用时需要注重细节 ,以确保其正常运作。
Overall, buried marker piles are a very practical tool for marking underground facilities, which can improve maintenance efficiency and safety, reduce maintenance costs and safety risks. However, its installation requires professional tools and technology, and the identification plate also needs to be replaced regularly. Therefore, attention should be paid to details when using it to ensure its normal operation.
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