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泉源:/ 宣布时间:日期:2022-12-17 0
提及地埋探测警示带 ,外行人一定不太相识 ,可是做地下管道铺设的偕行们一定不会以为生疏 。地埋探测警示带是埋于地下与种种管道线缆面30-50CM处 ,起到警示标记作用的一种警示带 。它的作用是可以让施工职员准确的探测到管道、电缆的位置 ,以免造成管道破损等效果 。
When it comes to buried detection warning tapes, laymen must not know much about them, but their counterparts in underground pipeline laying will certainly not feel strange. The buried detection warning tape is a kind of warning tape that is buried 30-50cm underground and on the surface of various pipelines and cables and acts as a warning sign. Its function is to enable construction personnel to correctly detect the position of pipes and cables, so as to avoid damage to pipes and other consequences.
我们所生产的地埋探测警示带在海内树立了地埋探测警示带的标杆和口碑 ,地埋探测警示带接纳的是高强度、耐老化的PE、PP、OPP高分子质料 ,色泽鲜艳、醒目 ,可以恒久铺设在地下50年不侵蚀 ,不褪色 。而纵观市面上一些其它厂家生产出来的产品 ,要么就是使用的再生质料 ,寿命短 ,没有韧性 ,稍微一用力就会断掉 。要么就是在印刷上偷工减料 ,色泽暗哑 ,字体很容易被侵蚀 。
The buried detection warning tape produced by us has set the benchmark and reputation of the buried detection warning tape in China. The buried detection warning tape is made of high-strength, anti-aging PE, PP, OPP polymer materials, bright and eye-catching, which can be laid underground for 50 years without corrosion and fading. However, the products produced by some other manufacturers on the market are either recycled materials with short life and no toughness, which will break with a little effort. Or they cut corners on printing, which makes the color dull and the font easy to be corroded.
尚有一个缘故原由是我们的地埋探测警示带在生产工艺上严酷把控 ,厚度严酷凭证生产要求:一样平惯例格为≥12丝 ,且内置可探测金属敏感度和规格完全达标 ,可以被管线探测职员轻松探测的到 。而市面上的一些其他产品 ,偷工减料私自降低生产标准 ,生产的地埋探测警示带厚度和规格达不到探测标准 ,自然也无法知足多个大型电力公司的要求 。
Another reason is that the production process of our buried detection warning tape is strictly controlled, and the thickness is strictly in accordance with the production requirements: the general specification is ≥ 12 wires, and the built-in detectable metal sensitivity and specification are fully up to standard, which can be easily detected by pipeline detection personnel. However, for some other products on the market, the production standards were lowered without permission by cutting corners. The thickness and specifications of the buried detection warning tapes produced could not meet the detection standards, and naturally could not meet the requirements of many large power companies.
除了高标准严要求的产品质量 ,过硬的业界口碑也是一大优势点 。虽然若是您对该产品有什么使用问题或者说有什么需求 ,那可以随时来我们网站举行咨询相识!
In addition to high standard and strict product quality, excellent reputation in the industry is also a major advantage. Of course, if you have any questions or needs for this product, you can come to our website at any time Ask about it!

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