



泉源:/ 宣布时间:日期:2022-06-21 0
着实标示桩的尺寸很是多,简朴来说由于差别的宽度、高度、厚度、颜色、印刷内容,使得标示桩有成百上千种 。
In fact, there are many sizes of marking piles. Simply speaking, there are hundreds of marking piles because of different widths, heights, thicknesses, colors and printing contents.
以是要确定一个标示桩就要从以上方面来确定他的参数 。
Therefore, to determine a marker pile, its parameters should be determined from the above aspects.
1、标示桩质料:高强度玻璃纤维复合质料模压制作(接纳无用) 。
1. Marking pile material: high strength glass fiber composite material molded (recycled).
2、标示桩产品外貌文字用特种丝印及凹型处理,一次着色固化成型 。
2. Special silk screen printing and concave treatment are used for the surface characters of the marking pile products, which are colored and solidified at one time.
3、标示桩颜色艳丽、抗老化、强度好,使用寿命可达30年以上 。
3. The marker post has bright color, anti-aging and good strength, and its service life can reach more than 30 years.
4、标示桩免维护,差别于水泥、石头等质料需要准时每年去上油漆、喷字,省却维护工时用度,产品外貌文字基础坚硬,耐磨长期 。也可按用户单位提供的桩号,里程数,路径偏向指示箭头,维护电话等信息资料逐个定做 。
4. The marking pile is maintenance free. Unlike cement, stone and other materials, it needs to be painted and sprayed regularly every year to save the cost of maintenance man hours. The surface of the product has a hard and durable character foundation. It can also be customized one by one according to the station, mileage, path direction arrow, maintenance telephone and other information provided by the user unit.
5、标示桩装置要领:挖掘所埋深度坑,前后左右十字交织穿入两根25 cm钢筋,水泥石子牢靠即可 。圆形路面砖接纳圆形开孔器按所需巨细管道穿越路面打孔,下部用水泥浓浆牢靠,上口与路面齐平即可 。
5. Installation method of marker pile: excavate the buried depth pit, cross and insert two 25 cm steel bars in front, back, left and right, and fix them with cement stones. The round pavement brick shall be perforated by a round hole opener through the pavement according to the required size of pipeline, the lower part shall be fixed with cement slurry, and the upper opening shall be flush with the pavement.
6标示桩工程给甲方单位提升企业标准化治理新形象,详细尺寸可按要求定制 。
6. The marking pile project will enhance the new image of enterprise standardized management for Party A, and the specific size can be customized as required.

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