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泉源:/ 宣布时间:日期:2022-12-01 0
燃气地埋PE管随管敷设的金属示踪线 ,目的是为了以后能更利便的找到燃气管道(是以后找利便找管道的一种辅助手段) 。下面燃气示踪线厂家为您举行解说 。
The metal trace line laid along the gas buried PE pipe is intended to find the gas pipeline more conveniently in the future (it is an auxiliary means to find the pipeline more conveniently in the future). The manufacturer of gas trace line will explain it to you below.
1、金属示踪线装置后随管道埋地后 ,在验收时应用地下管道探测仪(该仪器有点贵 ,但应是燃气行业的应配设施 ,特殊是生产运营部分)来磨练示踪线的完整性 ,原理及适用要领十分简朴 。
1. After the metal trace line is installed and buried along with the pipeline, the underground pipeline detector (which is a little expensive, but should be a necessary facility in the gas industry, especially in the production and operation department) should be used to check the integrity of the trace line during acceptance. The principle and practical method are very simple.
2、在非开挖工程中(定向钻作业) ,为了包管示踪线的完整性 ,示踪线的规格通常接纳40平方的单芯铜钱 ,且要用双线 ,绑在将要拖入的燃气PE管上 ,在拖管时随管一同拖入 。
2. In the trenchless project (directional drilling operation), in order to ensure the integrity of the trace line, the specification of the trace line is usually 40 square single core copper coin, which is tied to the gas PE pipe to be pulled in with two lines, and is pulled in with the pipe.
3、因在查找管线用到示踪线时是依赖闭合电路中的电流来举行操作的 ,由于电阻问题 ,电流强度用随着检测点与信号发射机的距离增添而削弱 。
3. As the tracing line is used to find the pipeline, the operation depends on the current in the closed circuit. Due to the resistance problem, the current intensity decreases as the distance between the detection point and the signal transmitter increases.
一样平常来说 ,25平方的单芯铜线作示踪线 ,其发射机的信号有用规模半径为300米(示踪线越好有用半径越大) 。示踪线一连敷设检测位置可直接设置在阀门井、凝水井内 ,如300米内没有阀门井或其他可以检测示踪线的位置 ,应单独设立示踪线检测井;检测井应在完工图上标出 ,以利便以后使用 。
Generally speaking, the 25 square square single core copper wire is used as the tracer wire, and the effective radius of the transmitter signal is 300 meters (the better the tracer wire is, the greater the effective radius is). The continuous laying detection position of the trace line can be directly set in the valve well and condensate well. If there is no valve well or other position where the trace line can be detected within 300 meters, the trace line detection well shall be set separately; The inspection well shall be marked on the as built drawing for future use.
示踪线装置不是手艺含量太高的事情 ,要绑在燃气管道上(原则上是绑在正上方 ,由于它还肩负着测管道埋深的使命) ,在讨论处要处理好 ,如使用专用接线套管 。更多相关内容就来我们网站举行咨询!
The installation of the trace line is not a work with too high technical content. It should be tied to the gas pipeline (in principle, it should be tied directly above, because it is also responsible for measuring the buried depth of the pipeline). It should be handled well at the joints, such as using special wiring sleeves. More relevant content will come to our website consulting service

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