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泉源:/ 宣布时间:日期:2022-08-03 0
标记桩作为一种标示装置 ,起着指点人们主要地带或危险地带的作用。以是它概略有以下几个特点 ,下面来熟悉一下吧。
As a kind of marking device, sign pile plays the role of pointing people to important or dangerous areas. So it has the following characteristics. Let's have a look.
1鲜亮的外观 ,可以让人们实时注重发明。
1. The bright appearance can make people pay attention to it in time.
2多变的样式 ,可以在任何情形下使用。
2. Changeable styles can be used in any environment.
3优异的材质 ,可以利便的运输与装置 ,且具有较长的使用寿命。
3. Good material, convenient transportation and installation, and long service life.
4. Have certain anti theft ability.
标记桩又称为警示桩、标识桩、标记桩 ,常用于电力、通讯、燃气、自来水、铁路地埋管线路径指示标记。用于户外、绿化带、灌木丛、顶管两侧管线路径指示 ,起到警示作用的新型产品。
Marker piles, also known as warning piles, identification piles, and marker piles, are commonly used to indicate the path of buried pipelines in power, communications, gas, tap water, and railways. It is a new product used for outdoor, green belt, Bush, pipeline path indication on both sides of pipe jacking, and plays a warning role.
According to the material, it can be divided into: Cement marker pile, plastic steel marker pile and composite marker pile. Composite marker piles are divided into magnesite marker piles, FRP marker piles, resin Gaza marker piles and resin marker piles.
The gas buried marker post is used to mark the direction of the buried pipeline, the intersection of the pipeline and the ground works (underground concealed objects), the junction of the management unit, the change of the pipeline structure (pipe diameter, wall thickness, protective layer), and the ground mark of the pipeline ancillary facilities. Including crossing piles (rivers, highways, railways, tunnels), crossing piles (pipeline crossing, optical cable crossing, power cable crossing), boundary piles, facility piles, etc. Precast concrete or composite (resin + high-strength glass fiber) finished piles are used.
燃气地埋标记桩概略有以上几个特点 ,以及解说了其他方面的注重事项 ,您可以作为参考 ,更多信息就来我们网站咨询相识吧。
The gas buried sign pile generally has the above characteristics and explains the precautions in other aspects. You can take it as a reference. For more information, please come to our website Consult and understand.

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