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泉源:/ 宣布时间:日期:2022-07-05 0
玻璃钢标记桩玻璃钢标记桩是FRP拉挤型材 ,其接纳玻璃纤维及其制品作为增强质料 ,以合成树脂作基体质料通过玻璃钢拉挤机一次性拉挤成型 。经高温压制而成 。抗攻击 ,耐磨损 ,耐高温 ,耐侵蚀 ,可以抗水、汽油、酒精、电解盐、醋酸、盐酸、钠钾化合物、尿、沥青 ,适合种种酸碱土壤 。使用寿命长达30年 。
Glass fiber reinforced plastic marker post glass fiber reinforced plastic marker post is a FRP pultrusion profile, which uses glass fiber and its products as reinforcement, synthetic resin as matrix material and is pultruded by a glass fiber pultrusion machine at one time. Made by high temperature pressing. Impact resistance, wear resistance, high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, can resist water, gasoline, alcohol, electrolytic salt, acetic acid, hydrochloric acid, sodium potassium compounds, urine, asphalt, suitable for all kinds of acid-base soil. The service life is up to 30 years.
Production process of FRP pipes: raw materials + unsaturated resin glue + filament + styrene → mixing → conveying and loading → forced feeding → extruder → extrusion die → sizing sleeve → spraying vacuum setting box → soaking cooling water tank → crawler tractor → knife lifting and cutting machine → pipe stacking rack → finished product inspection
Production process of FRP marker post: production process of FRP marker post: pipe processing and cutting → top cover processing → connection between top cover and pipe → printing on pipe (screen printing plate → ink compounding → scraper scraping → drying) → packaging → finished product
玻璃钢标记桩的装置要领:挖掘所埋深度坑 ,前后左右十字交织穿入两根25 CM钢筋 ,水泥石子牢靠即可 。圆形路面砖接纳圆形开孔器按所需巨细管道穿越路面打孔 ,下部用水泥浓浆牢靠 ,上口与路面齐平即可 。
Installation method of glass fiber reinforced plastic marker pile: excavate the buried depth pit, cross two 25 cm reinforcing bars from front to back, left to right, and fix them with cement stones. The circular pavement brick adopts a circular hole opener to drill holes through the pavement according to the required size of pipes, the lower part is fixed with cement slurry, and the upper opening is flush with the pavement.
别的桩体上的内允许多 ,其内容大致分为对内 ,对外信息 ,对外信息是产品装置的基础目的 。以是必需要包括管道的类型 ,所属单位的名称、警示用语以及举报联系电话 。
In addition, there are many contents on the pile, which can be roughly divided into internal and external information. External information is the fundamental purpose of product installation. Therefore, it must include the type of pipeline, the name of the unit, warning words and the contact number of the report.
写明管道所属单位名称以及联系电话是为了利便其他施工团队在施工时可以联系到所属公司或者当爆发意外时(例如地下埋设管道被损坏)市民能实时通知管道权属单位 。
The purpose of specifying the name and contact number of the unit to which the pipeline belongs is to facilitate other construction teams to contact the company during construction or to inform the pipeline ownership unit in time in case of accidents (such as the damage of underground buried pipelines).
地埋标记桩厂家提醒您 ,警示用语可包括“下有电缆管道 ,严禁开挖”等等内容 ,起到警示别人的作用 。对内信息则包括标记桩 ,管道区域名称 ,企业标识等 。这个内容是为了利便公司员工日后的巡查事情 ,企业自行掌握 ,不做严酷要求 。
The manufacturer of buried marker piles reminds you that the warning words can include "there is a cable duct under it, no excavation" and so on, which can serve as a warning to others. Internal information includes sign posts, pipeline area names, enterprise logos, etc. This content is for the convenience of the company's employees' patrol work in the future. The enterprise controls it by itself and does not make strict requirements.
以上就是问题解答的相关内容了 ,希望能够资助到各人 ,如对这一问题还保存任何疑问 ,都接待关注我们网站并咨询我们的事情职员 ,将竭诚为您效劳 。
The above is the relevant content of the question answer. I hope it can help you. If you still have any questions about this problem, you are welcome to follow our website And consult our staff, will serve you wholeheartedly.

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