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泉源:/ 宣布时间:日期:2022-06-25 0
警示桩也叫警示桩、标记桩等顾名思义是起到指示、提醒的作用的 ,一样平常用在公路交通、电力电缆、石油燃气等 ,由于使用普遍 ,作用主要 ,因此准确的警示桩(标记桩)的设置是很是有须要的。下面我们来看看电缆警示桩施工时的装置要领以及质量要求内容吧。
Warning piles are also called safety warning piles, sign piles, etc. as the name suggests, they play the role of indication and reminder. They are generally used in highway traffic, power cables, oil and gas, etc. because they are widely used and play an important role, it is very necessary to set correct warning piles (sign piles). Now let's take a look at the installation method and quality requirements of cable warning pile construction.
Quality requirements for warning piles
1. The quality requirements shall be in accordance with the drawing design and construction technical specifications and the owner's requirements.
2、道口标桩、警示桩应包管标桩笔直无歪斜 ,并包管位置准确 ,颜色鲜明、醒目。
2. The crossing stake and warning stake shall ensure that the stake is vertical without skew, and the position is correct, and the color is bright and eye-catching.
3、道口标桩在公路沿线较小交织路口的两侧对称设置 ,每侧一根 ,用来提醒主线车辆提高小心。
3. The crossing stake is symmetrically set on both sides of the smaller intersections along the highway, one on each side to remind the mainline vehicles to be vigilant.
4. The buried depth, spacing and height above the ground shall be constructed in strict accordance with the design drawings.
Construction method of warning pile
1. Process flow. Traffic control in the construction area → construction setting out → foundation construction (drilling rig) → warning pile processing and fabrication → site installation (grouting and pipe installation) → site cleaning and evacuation.
2、施工放样。警示桩为新增工程量 ,装置位置由业主、监理单位现场确定。
2. Construction setting out. Warning piles are new quantities, and the installation position shall be determined by the owner and the supervisor on site.
3、警示桩基础。警示桩基础孔洞为钻机钻孔 ,孔深30cm ,直径150mm(凭证警示桩的采购规格设计)。凭证图纸规范钻孔 ,并将桩底正平压实。
3. Warning pile foundation. The warning pile foundation hole is drilled by a drill, with a hole depth of 30cm and a diameter of 150mm (designed according to the purchase specification of the warning pile). Drill holes according to the drawings and specifications, and compact the pile bottom.
Installation of warning pile
(1)警示桩装置应包管桩柱笔直无歪斜 ,并包管位置准确 ,颜色鲜明、醒目。
(1) The installation of warning piles shall ensure that the piles are vertical without deflection, and that the positions are correct and the colors are bright and eye-catching.
(2)警示桩装置完毕后应举行路面清扫 ,在清扫历程中 ,不应损坏桩身反光膜或爆发其他缺陷。
(2) After the installation of warning piles, the road surface shall be cleaned. During the cleaning process, the pile reflective film shall not be damaged or other defects shall not occur.
(3)电缆警示桩桩内接纳M10砂浆灌浆 ,地下部分深度为30cm。
(3) M10 mortar is used for grouting in the pile, and the depth of the underground part is 30cm.
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The above is the relevant content of the question answer. I hope it can help you. If you still have any questions about this problem, you are welcome to follow our website And consult our staff, will serve you wholeheartedly.

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