



泉源:/ 宣布时间:日期:2022-12-20 0
示踪线法是PE管道定位探测问题的普遍要领,可以从示踪线的选材、施工工艺、探测手艺以及现场现实使用情形等方面举行了讨论 。下面地埋示踪线厂家来为您解说下地埋示踪线使用时的探测手艺 。
Tracer line method is a common method to solve the problem of PE pipeline positioning and detection, which can be discussed from the aspects of material selection, construction technology, detection technology and on-site actual use of the tracer line. The following manufacturers of buried trace wires will explain the detection technology when they are used.
1、探测示踪线的要领为直连法,它信噪比高、滋扰少、易探测,探测效果较量准确可靠 。
1. The direct connection method is used to detect the trace line, which has high signal-to-noise ratio, less interference, easy detection, and accurate and reliable detection results.
2、市区内的PE管道示踪线不宜选用感应法探测 。都会区域内的管线麋集,而示踪线相对细小,其接地回路电阻一样平常情形下比其它管线大许多,因此爆发的感应电流信号往往要比非目的管线弱许多,示踪线信号容易被掩饰而造成误测 。
2. The tracing line of PE pipeline in urban area should not be detected by induction method. The pipelines in urban areas are dense, while the trace lines are relatively small, and the resistance of the grounding circuit is generally much larger than that of other pipelines, so the induced current signal generated is often much weaker than that of non target pipelines, and the trace line signal is easy to be covered up, causing false measurement.
3、在探测短分支管道示踪线时,施加信号点宜选择分支示踪线的最后(即测试桩处),这样分支示踪线上的信号强,不会漏测分支点 。
3. When detecting the trace line of short branch pipeline, the end of the branch trace line (i.e. the test pile) should be selected as the signal application point, so that the signal strength on the branch trace line will not miss the branch point.
4、用直连法探测示踪线时,只管选择较低的事情频率,发射机的接地线也只管不要跨接其它管线,以镌汰信号感应或串扰到其它管线 。
4. When using the direct connection method to detect the trace line, try to select a lower working frequency, and try not to cross connect the ground wire of the transmitter to other pipelines to reduce signal induction or crosstalk to other pipelines.
5、探测时应凭证现真相形,改变供电点位置后再重复探测,检查两次探测效果的吻合情形,以提高探测的准确性和精度 。
5. During the detection, the power supply point shall be changed according to the actual situation and then the detection shall be repeated to check the coincidence of the two detection results, so as to improve the accuracy and precision of the detection.
6、关于定向钻方法铺设的PE管道,由于示踪线的埋深较大(可能大于5m),除选择较低的事情频率以镌汰电磁场感应到其它管线上,还应只管想法改善接地条件,增添示踪线上的供电电流,提高信噪比,这样可获得较好的探测效果 。
6. For the PE pipeline laid by directional drilling, because the buried depth of the tracer line is large (may be greater than 5m), in addition to selecting a lower working frequency to reduce electromagnetic field induction to other pipelines, try to improve the grounding conditions, increase the power supply current on the tracer line, and improve the signal-to-noise ratio, so as to obtain better detection effect.
This is the end of the relevant content of the detection technology analysis when the buried tracer line is used. You can come to our website anytime you have any ideas about it Consult!

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