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The marker post is used as a ground mark to confirm the pipeline route directly above the gas, power and oil pipelines, and as a ground warning sign for the pipeline passing through densely populated areas and other special sections. Optical cable is used to mark the laying position and direction of communication optical cable, also known as optical cable pile. FRP can be used for more than 30 years. Characteristics of pipeline marker pile: the pipeline marker pile is pressed by high temperature, which is resistant to impact, wear, high temperature and corrosion. It can resist water, alcohol, electrolytic salt, acetic acid, hydrochloric acid, sodium potassium compounds, urine and asphalt, and its service life is up to 30 years. Screen printing technology is adopted for pipeline marker pile, which has good warning effect and does not need maintenance. Light weight, easy to transport and install, no recycling value, natural anti-theft.
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Marker post cable marker post is a warning post that needs to be buried at a certain distance when power enterprises erect and lay cables. Therefore, it is also called safety warning pile. Since the cable marker pile is a warning, how far is it more appropriate to prevent the cable marker pile from being buried? Too close is a waste of resources, too far is not a warning. So, without wasting resources, it can play an obvious warning role. How far will it take to bury it? This time we invited our company's technical personnel. Let me introduce you. In fact, the specification has clear provisions on the construction and acceptance of cable lines. When laying cable marker posts, obvious direction signs or marker posts shall be set every 50~100m at straight sections, cable joints, turns, entering buildings, etc., so that the team can play the role of identification, and external personnel can play the role of warning and awakening. In order to better play a warning role, we suggest that if it is in a place with high personnel mobility. The recommended spacing can be reduced appropriately. This warning effect is obvious.

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