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Buried marker piles have always been regarded as a line of defense to prevent oil pipelines from being damaged by third-party construction teams. It is precisely because the role of buried marker piles is so important, so each responsible unit has a set of strict requirements for the selection of marker piles: accurate and standard printing language, clear handwriting that is not easy to fall off, solid and durable material that is not easy to wear and corrosion, etc.
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As an important facility to protect pipeline safety, the importance of buried marker piles is self-evident. According to the requirements of relevant documents, signposts conforming to national standards must be set up along important oil and gas pipelines.
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The main purpose of setting buried marker piles is to remind and warn pedestrians and vehicles passing by, and avoid them carefully, so as to reduce accidents such as oil pipeline damage and oil leakage caused by vehicles' accidental injury and occupation of pipelines.¡¢
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If the pipeline accident has occurred, other people can also contact the relevant responsible unit in time through the information printed on the buried marker post to solve the pipeline problem as soon as possible to avoid more serious consequences.
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In addition, the establishment of buried marker piles also provides important instructions for routine maintenance, inspection and repair of pipelines. Especially in emergency, the staff can find the faulty pipelines timely and accurately through the information printed on the marker piles, eliminate faults and hidden dangers, improve the working efficiency of operators, and ensure smooth transportation of oil pipelines.
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In order to solve the problem of handwriting retention, screen printing, laser printing, mechanical printing, UV ink-jet printing and other technologies are used to print relevant information on the pile with outdoor special ink to ensure that the printed information is clear and accurate. More relevant content will come to our website Consult!

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